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19 Février 2024

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Date de naissance : 16 Avr 1993 (31 ans)
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How to protect suitcase wheels

Without having to carry your baggage around, luggage wheels offer a quick and simple way to move about an airport. Regretfully, because the wheels are exposed, they can be easily damaged or broken and frequently take a hammering during your travels. 

Luckily, you can preserve and prolong the life of your luggage wheels for upcoming travels if you follow a few best practices and take a few measures!



How to Stop Wheels on Bags from Breaking

Invest in good-quality luggage first.

Investing in high-quality baggage is essential to prevent luggage wheels from breaking. Although it seems like a simple fix, this one is frequently missed. Cheap luggage is more likely to have fragile wheels that can break easily.

When making a purchase of high-quality baggage, make sure to read the reviews. Additionally, look for luggage with a warranty if at all possible. That way, you'll be protected in the event that something goes wrong. Those tourists who are constantly on the run should pay particular attention to this.


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Don't Stuff Your Suitcase Too Full

Another way to keep your suitcase wheels from breaking is to not overpack them. It may be tempting to stuff everything into your suitcase, even the kitchen sink, but doing so would overwork the wheels. 

They may break off or sustain irreparable damage as a result of this.

Try to pack light instead. Bring only the things you truly need. Additionally, try to distribute the weight throughout the suitcase.

By doing this, you can relieve some of the wheels' pressure and lessen the risk of their breaking.

Third, put on a wheel cover

Ceilingfansliving.com suggests that you can use a wheel cover if you're concerned that the wheels on your baggage will break. This is a tiny plastic or fabric covering that covers the wheels. It is intended to keep them from being scratched or broken. 

When traveling by flight, wheel coverings are very useful.They can guard against damage to your luggage while it's being handled. Additionally, they are reasonably priced, making them an excellent method of protecting your investment. 

In addition, should your wheels break with the cover on, you won't lose them.

Get yourself a bag protection

You can purchase a variety of bag shields from the bag store. It can also be obtained at the large department shop. Recall that not every bag shield is equally functional. Certain ones cover the entire luggage, while others don't.

Before you purchase it, make sure of that. There are a lot of color-shade shields available; choose the one that best matches your luggage. Don't forget to always compare prices and quality.


  Check out: Ceiling Fans Living: a website reviewing the best ceiling fan products

Verify the kind of wheels you require

If it appears that the wheels need to be replaced, take quick action to fix them. Check out the types of spinning wheels available. In general, there are two kinds: spinning and recessed. The selections are determined by the wheel's price. 

Usually, there are two recessed wheels and four spinner wheels. Remember that wheels made of polyurethane are the finest substitute. The wheels of skateboards and rollerblades are made of strong plastic. 

This device makes it easier for the wheels to roll smoothly up any surface. Wheels are, therefore, possible in the long run. You need to be certain about one thing: the size of your suitcase's wheels. The new wheels you buy must fit the size of your previous spinner wheels. 


⫸⫸⫸  See also: Why spend a lot of time when reading many reviews before buying, CeilingFansLiving will help you save time and money!

How are luggage wheels lubricated?

After removing the wheels with a screwdriver, the bearing in the suitcase wheel is the most likely component to require lubrication:

Remove the bearing and clean it by wiping each one with a cloth or paper towel to remove any remaining dirt or grime. Wipe the dirt off and ensure that no dirt gets within the bearings; do not use water on your bearings, as this might cause them to go bad.

Add some lubricant—this one works great, or sewing machine oil will do—after the bearings have dried and cleaned. Next, add three to four drops of lubrication to the bearings to make sure they are not too dry. 

It is not advised to use WD-40 because it only temporarily fixes problems and then dries out the bearings, making them worse than they were before. If there is too much additional cream in there, you should quickly wipe it out because too much would cause it to gather unwanted filth once more.


Source: Ceiling Fans Living

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